mercredi 10 mars 2010

Rallye Alex Singer / Alex Singer Rallye

Départ de la Porte Maillot (entre 7:30 et 8h:30)/ Departure from Porte Maillot (7h30-8h30 am):

Passage à Versailles / Through Versailles:

Le vélo à l'honneur! / Bicycle and Castle:

Pause aux étangs de la Minière / Pause at la Minière ponds:

Pause-contrôle au Moulin d'Ors / Pause-control at the Ors ancient wind mill:

Des cyclotouristes heureux à Villiers-le-Bâcle / Happy cyclotourists at Villiers-le-Bacle:

Des machines anciennes (cependant à même de reprendre la route) à la boutique Alex Singer / Some ancient (and able to take the road) beautiful bicycles at Alex Singer shop:

A l'année prochaine! / Hope to see you next year:

Ce dimanche 7 mars a vu à peu près 200 cyclotouristes aller faire un tour en vallée de Chevreuse, avec deux itinéraires (35/70 km), pour le traditionnel Rallye Alex Singer. Ce rallye, qui est le plus ancien des rallyes hivernaux, existe sans interruption depuis 1941. Son itinéraire se termine toujours à la boutique du constructeur, par une distribution de lots aux participants, et un apéritif dans l'arrière-boutique!

Bonne humeur, convivialité, simplicité et plaisir de rouler à bicyclette sont les maîtres-mots qui président à cette journée, et nous n'en manquâmes point! Il faisait un temps splendide mais froid, avec un grand soleil hivernal qui ne s'est jamais voilé. Un vent glacial de nord-est assez violent ne nous a guère aidé pour le retour... Qu'importe! Heureux malgré tout!


Last Sunday (March 7th), we were about 200 cyclotourists to go for a ride the Chevreuse valley, with two itineraries (35/70 km), for the traditionnal Alex Singer Rallye. This rallye, which is the oldest from winter parisian rallies, still exists from 1941, without any interruption. It always finishes at the Alex Singer shop, with a cycling gifts distribution to each participant, and an aperitif in the back room!

Good humour, friendship, simplicity and pleasure to ride a bicycle can resume the spirit of this day, and we did not lack any piece of it! We had a wonderful but cold weather, with a great winter-sun, never clouding over. While returning to Paris and Levallois, an icy and strong north-east wind was quite difficult to brave... But, no matter! Happy we were!

1 commentaire:

  1. Bicycle Portraits - everyday South Africans and their bicycles / a new photographic book.

    I was just looking around at a few bicycle blogs and I came across your site - very cool. I thought you might enjoy a project myself and a good friend have been working on for the last 2 years, called 'Bicycle Portraits'. Our 6000 kilometer journey around South Africa by bicycle aimed to be a photographic study of South African commuter culture (something that is nearly non-existent here), but it's turned into a portrait of a nation through the bicycles that they own and ride every day, revealing all manner of social, historical, class and cultural nuances never imagined. We are about to publish the best 165 portraits (from over 500 photographed) in book form, accompanied by 6 essays and beautiful watercolor maps for each portrait indicating where it was photographed. We are currently in the last phase of fundraising through pre-sales of the books (plus great extras like prints and special editions) on the wonderful Kickstarter platform.

    Please have a look at for our Kickstarter page, or visit to see the project online - and please spread the word!

    Hope you like it! Ride safe!


    Stan Engelbrecht
    Day One Publishing, South Africa
    +27(0)82 928 6586
    silencebegan (Skype)
    /bicycleportrait (Twitter)
