The life has to continue, beautiful as it was always and will always be, in spite of the threats, the fear that of these losers who just have human shape, would want to instil in us! To take the handlebars was a real pleasure today, with temperatures and a sun which seemed to cock a snook at the similar winter!
Nous avons affronté bien d'autres guerres... /
We have faced many other wars...
Etre attaché à sa bicyclette ou aux valeurs qui nous fondent, il y a une ressemblance... /
Being attached to the bicycle or to the values which base us, there is a resemblance...
Etre cycliste, sans pollution, sans bruit, en est une... /
Being a cyclist, without pollution or noise, is one of them...
Being a cyclist, without pollution or noise, is one of them...
Et une bonne manière d'apprécier la vie! /
And a fine way to appreciate life!
Peut-être que si plus de gens roulaient à bicyclette, il y aurait moins de conflits? /
Maybe with more people riding bicycles, there would be less conflicts?
C'est une si grande paix! / A so great peace!
Pourquoi ne sommes-nous pas plus nombreux à le faire? /
Why are we not more to do so?
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