Little more than a week ago, Bertrand Delanoe, the mayor of Paris presented to the council of the city his plan to reduce the air pollution, planning the ban to circulate the most polluting vehicles namely automobiles and commercial vehicles of the more of 17 years old, the heavy trucks, the coaches and the bus of more than 18 years old, as well as more than 10 years old two-wheelers (35 % of the park in Ile-de-France all the same), from September 2014. General outcries, caricatural reactions, in brief, it was easy to expect there, in a society slave of the motorized transport...
Avec les fauves... / Among the wild...
En prenant le guidon d'une bicyclette, par exemple... Les statistiques montrent que la grande majorité des déplacements urbains motorisés, et notamment parisiens, ne dépassent pas les dix kilomètres; une telle distance est loin d'être insurmontable à coups de pédales!
I find terrible, the fact that the authorities are obliged to take the bodily problem, to imagine laws, bans, to invent a specific public road network (for electric vehicles, in particular), in brief, to spend a lot of energy, and of money, while with some common sense, civility, simplicity, each of us, humbly, could remedy it, or at least seriously decrease the scale of the disaster.
By taking the handlebars of a bicycle, for example... The statistics show that the great majority of the motorized urban travels, in particular Parisian, do not exceed ten kilometers; such a distance is far from being insuperable in knocks of pedals!
Aussi simple que cela! / As simple as this!
Accusée de discriminer les populations les plus fragiles, souvent propriétaires des véhicules les plus anciens, la mairie de Paris répond en proposant "des mesures sociales d'accompagnement", en suggérant notamment à l'Etat le retour de la défunte prime à la casse. Pour ma part, j'appelle cela une prime à la bêtise... L'égalité sociale veut que tout le monde ait le droit de polluer... Et tout le monde paiera...
Accused of
discriminating between the most fragile populations, often owners of the the
oldest vehicles, the city hall of Paris answers by proposing " social measures
of support ", by suggesting in particular to the State the return
of the deceased scrappage premium. For my part, I call it a bonus to the stupidity... The social equality wants that everybody has
the right to pollute... And everybody will pay...
Même ceux qui ne polluent pas... / Even those who do not pollute...
Monsieur le Maire de Paris ne se rend apparemment pas compte que ce n'est pas l'âge d'un véhicule qui le rend polluant, mais l'utilisation qui en est faite. Une automobile diesel moderne, donc autorisée à circuler, utilisée tous les jours dans les rues de Paris sera davantage polluante qu'une voiture de collection de plus de trente ans, donc interdite de circulation, qui ne parcourra qu'un ou deux milliers de kilomètres par an... Mais plutôt que d'interdire, pourquoi ne pas mener une politique d'incitation à utiliser la bicyclette? Pourquoi ne pas récompenser le courage de celles et ceux qui affrontent au quotidien la folie motorisée?
Mr Mayor of
Paris does not apparently realize that it is not the age of the vehicle which
makes it polluting, but the use which is made. A modern diesel automobile,
thus authorized to circulate, used every day in the streets of Paris will be
more polluting than a classic car of more than thirty years, thus forbidden by
traffic, which will go through only one or two thousand
kilometers a year... But rather than to forbid, why not lead an incentive policy
to use the bicycle? Why not rewarding the courage of those who face everyday the motorized madness?
Tout est dans le béret... / Everything is in the beret...
Soyons discrets... / Being discreet...
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