J'aime beaucoup fureter dans les journaux et revues anciennes; on y trouve parfois de véritables perles, comme celle-ci, extraite d'un article publié dans “l’Auto-Vélo” du 25 février 1901, qui compare le touriste à bicyclette par rapport au touriste en automobile, mais plein d'instruction pour nous aujourd'hui, en 2012, les choses n'ayant pas beaucoup changé... Un article signé “Marcel l’Heureux”:
" Il est clair que pour le touriste (car c’est à ce point de vue que je me place ici), la joie de la vitesse ressentie sur une bicyclette n’est pas la même joie, singulièrement accrue, dont il sera redevable à “l’auto” puisque dans le premier cas il est par son propre effort l’auteur direct de cette vitesse, tandis que dans le second il n’en est que le bénéficiaire, je ne dis pas “moralement”, mais physiquement inactif. C’est en effet par le cerveau que commence la fatigue du chauffeur, quand au contraire c’est par là que finit
D’ailleurs, ce n’est pas dans la vitesse que réside pour le vrai touriste la joie de la bicyclette. C’est dans le sentiment de liberté qu’elle lui inspire; c’est aussi, c’est surtout pour quelques uns, dans les facilités qu’elle lui accorde de mettre au point les paysages de la route. Elle le rapproche à son insu de la nature; elle le met en contact direct avec ses aspects et ses changements; elle lui révèle successivement et en peu de temps des formes et des couleurs qu’il aurait mis des années à connaître, ou que même il n’eût jamais connues qu’à travers la déformation des instantanés fugaces recueillis en chemin de fer. Et grâce à la sécurité qu’inspire la légère et obéissante machine, celui qui la monte peut garder un esprit assez dégagé de toute préoccupation subjective pour enregistrer un nombre considérable de ces visions, pour les analyser d’abord, pour en conserver ensuite des tableaux d’ensemble.
Hello everybody! I like very much rummaging in newspapers and ancient reviews; I sometimes find there real pearls, as this one, from an article published in " Auto-Vélo " of February 25th, 1901, facing the tourist with bicycle with regard to the tourist in automobile, but full of instruction for us today, in 2012, things not having changed a lot... A signed article "Marcel l' Heureux":
" It is clear that for the tourist (because it is so of sight that I take place here), the enjoyment of speed felt on a bicycle is not the same enjoyment, strangely increased, of which it will be indebted in " the automobile " because in the first case he is by his own effort the direct author of this speed, whereas in the second case he is there only the beneficiary, I do not say "morally", but physically inactive. It is indeed with the brain which begins the fatigue of the driver, when on the contrary it is there that that of the cyclist finishes. Moreover, it is not in the speed that the enjoyment of the bicycle lives for the real tourist. It is in the feeling of freedom that it inspires; it is also, it is especially for some, in the opportunities granted to the cyclist to feel the landscapes of the road. Bicycle moves the cyclist closer with the nature; bicycle puts him in direct contact with nature aspects and changes; revealing him successively and in a short time forms and colors. And thanks to the safety that inspires this light and obedient machine, the one who takes it can keep a spirit kicked away enough of any subjective concern to register a considerable number of these visions, to analyze them at first, to keep them in mind. This peace of mind does not undoubtedly exist for the driver whose hands wrinkle on the steering wheel. This one is responsible for the life, for that of the passengers, he searches the horizon with eyes less worried to seize visions of landscapes, that haunted by the appearance always possible of a cart or a herd blocking the passage. His enjoyment, moreover, is not there: it results from the authority which he feels exercising on his direction and on his engine, of the speed with which he perceives the road run away under the wheels of his car, the sensation that he is master of this speed, that he can accelerate or moderate as he pleases. It is there, let us not doubt it, a sensation lives and the will of which is not questionable; but it is a purely subjective sensation, very remote from the one the bicycle of which is the author. And if it happens that by moment the driver can collect impressions of landscapes, it is impressions of a character almost set against those whom gets the bicycle. Here thus more intimacy with the nature, and in summary, the quite subjective pleasure to drive itself dominating on all the others. "
Simplicité et joie de la bicyclette... / Simplicity and happiness of the bicycle...
Au milieu des motorisés! / Riding through traffic!
Un peu rigide, mais stylé... / Quite rigid, but stylish...
Sur la ligne! / Following the line!
Mère et fille? / Mother and daughter?
Soleil et pluie... / Rain and sun...
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